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Education Research


The Training of Jordanian University Students Office
The National Commission was established for the training of Jordanian university students in 1979. The Committee membership it includes some of  the public and private Universities and some of the public and private sectors, and the aims of the Committee to: -
1- Strengthening cooperation between Jordan and International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (I.A.E.S.T.E).
2- Work on finding training opportunities abroad for Jordanian students in exchange for a training opportunities for foreign students.
3- Develop plans and programs to train Jordanian universities students in public and private institutions and follow-up its effectiveness.
4- Determination the areas of training required from the outside according to the needs of the country.
5. Yearly, Fielding a number of school students to some member states to spend a training period of at least two months during the summer, and receiving a number of students from these countries, where they are trained in the sectors and institutions of Jordan, and through this program are available participating students the opportunity to interact and cultural exchange, tourism and social with the cultures of their host countries.
Scientific research
School of Engineering contribute by academic school staff and graduate students in providing the scientific research on global, regional and national level.