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Education Research


​The Training of Jordanian University Students Office
The National Commission was established for the training of Jordanian university students in 1979. The Committee membership it includes some of  the public and private Universities and some of the public and private sectors, and the aims of the Committee to: -
1- Strengthening cooperation between Jordan and International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (I.A.E.S.T.E).
2- Work on finding training opportunities abroad for Jordanian students in exchange for a training opportunities for foreign students.
3- Develop plans and programs to train Jordanian universities students in public and private institutions and follow-up its effectiveness.
4- Determination the areas of training required from the outside according to the needs of the country.
5. Yearly, Fielding a number of school students to some member states to spend a training period of at least two months during the summer, and receiving a number of students from these countries, where they are trained in the sectors and institutions of Jordan, and through this program are available participating students the opportunity to interact and cultural exchange, tourism and social with the cultures of their host countries.

School of Engineering Amphitheaters

- Saeed Al-Mufti Amphitheater

- The small amphitheater

- The middle runway​

School of Engineering laboratories


Creation DateTechnologically advanced/non-advancedLaboratory name#
Civil Engineering ​ ​ ​
1976-1977-Pavement lab1
1976-1977 Geotechnical Engineering Lab2
1976-1977 Properties of Concrete Lab3
1976-1977 Surveying Lab4
1976-1977-Hydraulic Engineering Lab5
1976-1977-Environmental Engineering lab6
2000-Environmental Engineering Research Lab7
2022advancedGIS Computer Lab Erasmus Plus8
Electrical Engineering ​ ​ ​
1978-Instrumentation and control lab9
1978-Electrical circuits lab10
1978-Electronics lab11
1978-Communications lab12
1978-Electrical machines lab13
1978-Electrical power lab14
2005-Computer applications lab15
2020-Advanced electronics lab16
2021advancedAdvanced electrical power lab17
2022advancedMicrocontroller applications lab18
2022advancedAdvanced electronics lab19
Industrial Engineering ​ ​ ​
ResearchProperties of Engineering Materials lab20
advancedHuman Factors and Work Measurements lab21
advancedAutomation and Automatic Control lab22
-Manufacturing Engineering lab23
-Metrology and Engineering Measurement lab24
2022TechnologicallyComputer lab25
Computer Engineering ​ ​ ​
2009advancedComputer Application Lab26
2003advancedComputer Organization Lab27
2009advancedComputer Networks Lab28
2009advancedAdvanced Networks Lab29
2004advancedDigital Logic Lab30
2005advancedEmbedded Systems Lab31
2020advancedParallel Processing Lab32
2005advancedObject-Oriented Problem Solving Lab33
2022advancedArtificial Intelligence Lab34
Architecture Engineering ​ ​ ​
1987-Lighting and acoustics lab35
2002-Computer lab36
Mechatronics Engineering ​ ​ ​
2014/2015-Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab37
2014/2015-Control System Lab38
2014/2015-Electronics Lab for Mechatronics39
2006-Sensors and Transducers Lab40
2006-Mechatronics Systems Design Lab41
2008-Automation and Process Control Lab42
2014/2015-Electrical Actuator Lab43
2014/2015-Power Electronics and Drive lab44
2014/2015-Design of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Lab45
Mechanical Engineering ​ ​ ​
-Heat Transfer Lab46
-Control Lab47
-Dynamics and Vibration Lab48
advancedEngineering Measurement Lab49
-strength lab50
-Thermal and Fluid Sciences Lab51
-Thermodynamics Lab52
-Fluid Mechanics Lab53
2021/2022advancedDesign of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems lab54
2022advancedECO CAR Lab55
Chemical Engineering ​ ​ ​
1978-Fluid Mechanics Lab.56
1978-Solid Particulate Lab.57
1978-Control Lab.58
1978-Heat and Mass Lab.59
1978-Industrial Unit Lab.60
1978ResearchHigh Temperature Lab.61
1978-Thermodynamics Lab.62
1978-Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab63
1978-Instrumental Analysis Lab.64
2013ResearchFuel and Energy Lab.65
2015ResearchPolymer Lab.66
2016ResearchMembranes and Separation Processes Lab.67
​Total=67 Laboratory ​ ​ ​​
