School of Engineering :: The University of Jordan ::

Program Specifications

MSc. Maintenance Engineering and Quality Management / Program Overview

​​Ø Background to the program and subject area:

The Master of Science Degree in Maintenance Engineering and Quality Management is the 3rd Master program conducted by the industrial engineering at the university of Jordan. Government of Jordan in 2015 licenses it. The program started graduating the first batch of graduates in September 2017. Since then, the program has been growing in various ways: the demand for the program is increasing, leading to more students accepting, more thesis and research in the field of the program, in the same time, the program continues to maintain its academic reputation.

We are proud of our growing reputation as a provider of quality higher education in the Kingdom of Jordan and in the region. The high quality of education of the Master of Science Degree in Maintenance Engineering and Quality Management is accredit by the local Accreditation and Quality Assurance Center and by the national accreditation and quality assurance commission for higher education institutions.  We continue to maintain the quality of Our education and our learning at the international level.

The field of Maintenance Engineering with a focus on Quality Management bridges the gap between maintenance engineering practices and perfection. The program covers many tools and techniques oriented to maintenance engineering and quality management that enable engineers to function more effectively.  The program provides a technical-based alternative to traditional engineering master programs.

The program provides understanding of managerial roles of maintenance engineers, analysis of the diverse functions of technological and maintenance systems, and provides modern maintenance techniques and methods that are applied for the formulation and implementation of maintenance decisions and quality engineering.

The program consists of 30 credits in including

  • 15 credits of core courses.
  • 6 credits of elective courses.
  • 9 credits of thesis research.

The core courses provide a more comprehensive foundation in maintenance and quality management principles (Scientific Research Methodology, Applied Engineering Statistics, Quality Control and Reliability, Maintenance Management and Organization, and Continuous Improvement methodologies). Furthermore, In the research thesis, students choose a research supervisor and initiate research under his supervision in one of the areas of maintenance engineering and quality management. The thesis may involve either theoretical or experimental investigations, or both. It can be of a limited scope but should involve a significant degree of originality. The thesis enables the graduate student to Identify, formalize, and solve real-life maintenance and quality problems.


To provide a high quality Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degree in Maintenance Engineering and Quality Management that will be locally, regionally, and internationally recognized


To provide an outstanding Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degree in Maintenance Engineering and Quality Management educational and research opportunities for regional, national and international students , while maintaining our social commitment to the development of new knowledge through the integration of research, and practice

Program aims:

  1. To ensure that graduates of the program are technically competent and aware of their technical and ethical responsibilities
  2. To graduate qualified engineers, who will be able to function as team players and provide opportunities for practical experiences
  3. To promote and support research that can address and solve contemporary engineering problems in maintenance
  4. To develop graduates independent learning skills to advance knowledge in their filed
  5. To meet the societal needs in preparing specialists in technical education 
An introductory video about the Master's degree in Maintenance Engineering and Quality Management