School of Engineering :: The University of Jordan ::

Program Specifications

B.Sc. Chemical Engineering / Facilities and laboratories

Ø Teaching Rooms
§ Majed Al-Taher hall
§ Dr.Rajaee Sweis hall
§ CHE 101 hall
§ CHE 001 hall
§ CHE 002 hall
§ Tempous hall

Ø Laboratories
Laboratory name
About Laboratory
Perform some experiments in fluid mechanics and heat transfer 
Perform experiments in solid particulate operations and thermodynamics 
Perform experiments in separtions processes 
Perform experiments in chemical reaction engineering and process control
Instrumental Analysis laboratory
Instrumental analysis
Computer application in chemical engineering laboratory
Application of computer software in chemical processes
Numerical Laboratory
Application of computer software in numerical methods
Local Chemical Industries laboratory
Pilot scale of industrial chemical projects
Polymer laboratory
Membranes and separation processes laboratory