Computer Applications

Fundamental data structures: Arrays, stacks, queues, heaps (priority queues), lists, maps (associative arrays), search trees and graphs. Algorithms to manipulate the above structures. Sorting and tree-exploration algorithms. Divide-and-conquer algorithms. Basic graph algorithms. Asymptotic analysis of algorithm time complexity and correctness proof. Design, analysis and implementation that uses data structures and algorithms to solve practical and modern-day engineering problems, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, fuzzy control, system simulation, etc.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering2.Second Year
Electrical Engineering

Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws. Series and parallel connections. Voltage and current division. Nodal and mesh analysis. Superposition theorem. Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems. Source transformation. Maximum power transfer. Inductance and capacitance. Behavior of R, L and C under steady-state DC or AC conditions. Characteristics of sinusoids. The phasor concept. Phasor relationships for R, L, and C elements. Impedance and admittance. Effective values of current and voltage. Instantaneous, average and apparent power. Power factor. Resonance. Three-phase systems. Three-phase wye and delta connections. Introduction to semiconductors. The PN junction. Diode characteristics. Applications of diodes: switches, rectifiers, etc. Transistors: operation, model, voltage-current characteristics. Applications of transistors: amplifiers, switches, etc. Operational Amplifiers. Safety considerations. Protective grounding.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering2.Second Year
 Electrical Engineering Lab
Electric measurement equipment. Ohm’s law. Resistors and DC Circuits. Series and parallel connections. Voltage and current division. Nodal and mesh analysis. Superposition theorem. Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems. Maximum power transfer. Inductance and capacitance. AC systems. Impedance concept and phase shift in RL and RC circuits. Measurement of power and power factor. Resonance. Three-phase wye and delta connections. Diodes and their applications: half-wave rectifiers, full-wave rectifiers, etc. Transistors and their applications: amplifiers, switches, etc. Residential wiring and safety considerations. 
Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering2.Second Year
 Electrical Circuits (1)

Units, definitions and simple electrical circuits. Series and parallel connections. Voltage and current division. Circuit analysis techniques. Superposition theorem. Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems. Inductance and capacitance. Analysis of source-free RL and RC circuits. The application of unit-step forcing functions to RL and RC circuits. Analysis of source-free RLC circuits. The complete response of RLC circuits. The sinusoidal forcing function. The phasor concept. The phasor relationships for R, L and C. Impedance and admittance. The sinusoidal steady state response. Circuit analysis using matlab and SPICE.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering2.Second Year
Electrical Circuits (2)

Current and voltage RMS values. Instantaneous, average, real, reactive and complex power. Power factor. Polyphase circuits. Three-phase wye and delta connections. Power in three phase systems. Frequency response transfer function. Principles of filtering. Basic passive and active filters. Parallel and series resonance. Bode plots. Magnetically coupled circuits. Mutual coupling. Linear and ideal transformers. General two-port networks. Impedance, admittance, and transmission parameters. Circuit analysis using software simulation.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering2.Second Year
 Electrical Circuits Lab

Electrical measurement devices. Resistors and DC Circuits. Series/parallel combinations. Voltage/current division. Kirchhoff's laws. Nodal/mesh analysis. Network Theorems. Maximum power transfer. Transient analysis in RL and RC circuits. Impedance concept. Inductive and capacitive reactance. AC power measurement and power factor. Series and parallel resonant RLC circuits. Quality factor. Three-phase wye and delta circuits. Parameters of two-port networks. Filters including: low-pass filter (LPF), high-pass filter (HPF) and band-pass filter (BPF). Coupled circuits. Residential wiring and electrical safety considerations.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering2.Second Year
 Signal Analysis & Systems

Signal classification and system models. Continuous time signals. Signals and vectors. Generalized Fourier series representation. Amplitude and phase spectra of signals. Energy and power content of signals. Bandwidth of signals. The Fourier transform and its applications. Sampling of signals. Convolution of signals. Power and energy spectral densities. Correlation functions. Time-domain analysis of continuous time systems. The system impulse response. Communication channels. Filters: low-pass filter, high-pass filter, band-pass filter and band-stop filter. Discrete time signals. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and the Fast Fourier transform (FFT). Spectral analysis of DFT systems. Unit sample response to arbitrary input sequences. Introduction to the Z-transform. Project.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering2.Second Year
Electromagnetics (I)
0302102 & 0903202

Introduction. Review of vector analysis and coordinate systems. Coulomb’s law and the electric field. Potential and gradient. Electric flux density. Gauss law and divergence theorem. Electric fields in material space. Capacitors. Boundary conditions. Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations. Method of images. Biot-Savart’s law. Ampere’s law. Magnetic vector potential. The curl and Stock’s theorem. Magnetic force, torque and moment. Magnetic dipole. Practical applications. Magnetic properties of materials. The B-H curve and the hysteresis concept. Boundary conditions. Inductors. Magnetic circuits. Interaction between fields and charged particles. Faraday’s law. Displacement current. Maxwell’s equations. Continuity equation and the relaxation relationship. Time varying potential. Time-harmonic fields.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
 Electromagnetics (Comp. Eng.)

Introduction. vectors and coordinate systems. Charges. Electric field,

potential and electric flux density. Gauss law.Electric characteristics of materials. Capacitors.

Boundary conditions. Currents. Magnetic fields. Ampere's law.

Magnetic properties of materials and the B-H curve.Boundary conditions. Inductors.

 Magnetic circuits.Time varying fields and Maxwell's equations.

 Waves in lossless and conducting media. Transmission lines (TL).

Transient and steady state analysis of TL. Matching in TL.Introduction to optical fibers.

 Electromagnetic effects in high speed digital systems.Practical applications.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering2.Second Year
Electronics (1)

Introduction to semiconductors. Electrical properties of intrinsic and doped semiconductors. Diffusion process in semiconductors. The P-N junction. Open-circuit P-N junction. Forward and reverse biased junction. Temperature effects. Small and large-signal models. Junction capacitance and switching times. Diode types and common applications. Rectification. Rectifier filters. Limiting and clamping circuits. Zener, varactor and Schottky diodes. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) and photodiodes. Analysis of circuits containing P-N junction diodes. The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): structure, characteristics, models, and configurations. DC biasing and load line analysis. BJT transistor as a switch and amplifier. BJT transistor ratings. The Field-Effect Transistor (FET): structure, characteristics, models, and configurations. Types of FET transistor: Junction Gate Field-Effect Transistor (JFET) and Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET). DC biasing and load line analysis. FET transistor as a switch and amplifier. Analysis of amplifier circuits at low frequencies.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering2.Second Year
 Engineering Numerical Methods

Mathematical preliminaries. Numerical errors. Loss of significance and error propagation. MATLAB as a mathematical analysis tool. MATLAB variables, vectors and matrices. Operator precedence. Matrix indexing. Built-in and user-defined functions. Relational operators and conditional statements. Flow control structures and loops. Plotting. Numerical solution of nonlinear algebraic equations. Numerical solution of systems of linear equations. Numerical solutions of systems of non-linear algebraic equations. Interpolation, approximation and curve fitting. Numerical differentiation and integration. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. Eigenvalue problems. Numerical solution of partial differential equations. MATLAB symbolic engine. Using symbolic capabilities for liner algebra, calculus and other problems. Introduction to Simulink and its libraries. Simulating some engineering systems and finding solutions. Practical exercises.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
Probability and Statistics

Introduction to probability and random variables. Discrete random variables. Continuous random variables. The probability distribution function. The probability density function. Examples of popular distributions: Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, geometric, normal, etc. Conditional probability. Joint distributions. Statistics of random variables. The central limit theorem. Analyzing measurements using statistical techniques. Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode). Measures of variation (range, interquartile, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Chebyshev’s rule and empirical rule). Measures of position (Z-score, percentiles and outliers). Graphical data analysis, frequency distributions, standard error, goodness of fit. Linear regression. Confidence intervals and sample size. Counting methods, combinations and permutations. Statistical inference about one and two population parameters. Hypothesis testing. Random processes. Ergodicity and stationarity.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
Instrumentations and Measurements
0903212 & 0903261

General electric and magnetic units. Experimental data and error.

 Analogue and digital instrumentation of current, voltage and power. R, L, C components measuring

instruments. RF power and voltage measurement. Oscilloscopes. Signal generation and analysis.

Wave and spectrum analyzers. Transducers. Digital data acquisition and test systems.

 Capacitive interference. Grounding. Projects on use of 7216 and 7217 chips in digital multimeters.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
Electromagnetics (II)

Introduction. Maxwell’s equation. Wave equation. Plane wave (PW) in general medium. Wavelength, wave number, direction of wave propagation, phase velocity, group velocity, phase and attenuation constants and wave impedance. PW propagation in lossless, lossy and good conducting media. Skin effect and the surface impedance in lossy and good conducting media. Generalized form of the PW. Poynting vector. Normal incidence on one and multiple media and oblique incidence of the UPW. Wave polarization. Consideration of some practical problems. Transmission lines (TL). Transient analysis of lossless TL. Analysis of TL for harmonic source using vector and crank diagram. Short TL (stubs). TL charts. Matching using single stub, double stubs and quarter wavelength TL. Impedance measurement. Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR). Waveguides. Rectangular and circular waveguides. Slots in waveguide. The concept of resonant cavity. Waveguide Excitation. Introduction to antennas including the different parameters of an antenna. Short and half-wavelength dipoles. Loop antennas. Antenna characteristics.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
Electronics (2)

Biasing of transistor (BJT and FET). Amplification. Single-stage amplifier. Cascaded BJT and FET amplifiers. Composite transistor stages. AC load line analysis. Operational amplifiers and Applications. Operational amplifier architectures. Gain with active load. DC level shifting. Differential amplifier. Frequency response of amplifiers. The low-frequency response of all amplifier configurations. The high-frequency response of all amplifier configurations. The frequency response of cascaded stages. Feedback Amplifiers. Properties of negative-feedback amplifiers. Analysis of feedback amplifiers.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
Electronics Lab
Diode characteristics and applications. Half-Wave Rectifier (HWR). Full-Wave Rectifier (FWR). Clipper, clamper and peak detector. Zener diode characteristics and voltage regulators. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) characteristics and biasing. BJT transistor applications: amplification and switching. Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) characteristics and biasing. MOSFET transistor applications: amplification and switching. Frequency response of transistor amplifiers. Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amp) and their applications. Introduction to advanced circuits such as cascaded amplifiers, feedback amplifiers, differential amplifiers and oscillators
Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
Electrical Machines (I)

Magnetic circuits. Single-phase transformers: principles, analysis and performance characteristics. Three-phase transformers: construction, connections and vector groups. Single-phase and three-phase transformer testing. Electromechanical energy conversion. Basic principles of DC mechanics. Principles and classification of DC generators. DC motors: analysis, performance characteristics, starting and speed control. DC machines testing. Rotating field. Synchronous generators: classification, analysis, performance characteristics, synchronization process and parallel operation.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
Electrical Machines

Magnetic circuits. Single-phase and three-phase transformers: principles, analysis, performance characteristics and testing. Electromechanical energy conversion. DC generators and DC motors: analysis, performance characteristics, and motor speed control. Three-phase synchronous generators. Three-phase synchronous motors: analysis, performance characteristics, applications, starting and testing. Three-phase induction motors: analysis, performance characteristics, testing, starting and speed control. Introduction to single-phase induction motors. Introduction to special types of motors: stepper motors, universal motors, reluctance motors, burshless DC motors.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
Electrical Machines Lab. (Mechanical & Mechatronics Eng.)

Transformer magnetic circuits. Testing of single and 3-phasetransformers. DC generators.

Speed control of DC motors. Testing and operational characteristics of alternators.

Testing and operational characteristics of synchronous motors. Testing and operational

characteristics of induction motors.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
Communications (I)

Classification of communication systems. Channel impairments: attenuation, distortion, noise, etc. Continuous-wave (CW) modulation. Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC), Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). Bandwidth. Mixers. Coherent detection and effects of frequency/phase errors. Frequency Modulation (FM) and Phase Modulation (PM). AM and FM transmitters, receivers and radio broadcasting. Noise sources and noise representation in CW modulation. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) calculations. Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) and Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). Introduction to baseband transmission: sampling, quantization, line coding, and pulse shaping. Introduction to digital modulation techniques: ASK, FSK, PSK and QPSK. Introduction to performance of digital modulation schemes in the presence of noise.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering4.Fourth year
Communications (II)

Review of baseband transmission: sampling, quantization, line coding and pulse shaping. Power spectral density of line coding techniques. Performance of line coding techniques. PAM, PWM, PPM and Pulse Code Modulation (PCM). Differential PCM. Digital modulation formats: ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK and QAM. Optimum receiver design. Matched filter derivation and design for digital modulation formats. Signal space representation. Performance evaluation for digital modulation in AWGN channel. Probability of symbol and bit error for the different modulation formats. Channel coding and its effect on probability of bit error. Hamming codes. Convolutional codes. Linear block codes. Error correcting capability of linear block codes.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering4.Fourth year
Digital Signal Processing

Introduction to digital signal processing (DSP). Discrete time signals and systems. Z-transform. Modeling and implementation forms of discrete time systems. Time- and frequency-domain analysis of digital processors. Design and analysis of finite impulse response filters (FIR). Analog filter approximations. Design and analysis of infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. Digital filter networks. Digital equalizers. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms. DSP algorithms and applications. Project.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering4.Fourth year
Communication Systems
0953421& 0903352

Communication system block diagram. Brief history of telecommunications. Wired versus wireless communication systems. Modeling of wireless channels. Radio-wave prorogation models. Link budget calculations. Antenna types and system gain. Multipath transmission. Small-scale and large-scale fading. Performance evaluation of bit error rate within fading channels. Terrestrial (microwave) and satellite communication systems (including uplink and downlink budget calculations). Satellite applications and GPS Systems. Multiplexing and multiple access techniques: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, OFDMA. Orthogonality and spread spectrum techniques. Modern wireless communication technologies: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, NFC, IoT, etc. Classical wired communication systems: Telephony systems and voice communications. Voice companders. Echo canceling. Signaling systems. Plesiochronous and Synchronous digital hierarchies (PDH and SDH). Long-distance optical fiber transmission. Introduction to source coding and the entropy concept.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering4.Fourth year
Communication Networks

Introduction to communication networks and the OSI model. Circuit switching and packet switching. Physical layer and transmission media. Asynchronous and synchronous transmission. Local loop access technologies. Data Link Layer Principles. IEEE 802.x Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols: LANs, MANs, WANs and PANs. The concept of internetworking and the Internet Protocol (IP). IP Specifications and supporting protocols (ARP, DHCP, ICMP, etc). Routing and switching in IP networks. Repeaters, Switches, Hubs, Bridges, Routers and Gateways. UDP and TCP transport layers. Internet applications.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering4.Fourth year
Communications Lab

Amplitude Modulation (AM) transmission and reception. AM modulation index, power efficiency, synchrony and asynchronous demodulation. Frequency Modulation (FM) modulators and demodulators. Quadrature detector. Phase-locked loop (PLL). Measurements using the spectrum analyzer. Baseband binary transmission and line coding techniques: Unipolar, Polar and Manchester. Clock synchronization. Generation and reception of binary Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), Phase Shift Keying (PSK), and Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) signals. Eye diagram. Hardware design project

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering4.Fourth year
Control Systems

Open-loop and closed-loop (feedback) control systems. Examples of feedback control systems.  Review of complex variables and Laplace transform. Poles and element transfer function and block diagram. Modeling of physical systems: electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Linearization of nonlinear systems. System representations: system block diagrams and signal flow graphs. Overall transfer function, block diagram reduction techniques and Mason’s gain formula.  Introduction to state-space representation. Sensitivity of open loop and closed loop control systems.  Time response analysis and performance indices of first and second order systems. Dominant poles of high order systems. Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. Steady state error coefficients. Design and effects of basic control actions and their combinations: proportional, integral and derivative. Effects of velocity feedback. Stability analysis using root locus. Bode diagrams and Nyquist stability criterion.  Gain and phase margins, and obtaining transfer function using Bode diagrams. Introduction to analysis and design using state-space equations.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering4.Fourth year
Instrumentation and Control Lab

Experiments on oscilloscope. Measurement of earth resistance. Instrumentation. Data acquisition.

Signal generators. Interference and insulation. Open and closed loop systems.

Servomechanism principles. The effect of gain, integral and derivative control,

and velocity feedback on system performance. Frequency response measurements.

Analog computer simulation. CAD of control systems. Control of liquid level and thermal systems.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering4.Fourth year
Power Electronics
0903261 & 0953221

Basic elements of power electronics systems. Power electronics concepts and applications. Converters classification. Power electronics switches and semiconductor devices. DC-DC converters: the choppers concept, buck, boost, and buck-boost converters, and switched mode DC power supplies. Inverters: half-bridge and full-bridge inverters, PWM and SPWM techniques, three phase inverters, and six step inverter. Fourier analysis and total harmonic distortion analysis for inverters. Half-wave and full-wave rectifiers, half-wave rectifier with RL loads, half-wave rectifier with capacitive loads. Controlled half-wave rectifiers. Single-phase and three-phase full-wave rectifiers. Controlled full-wave rectifiers. AC controllers, single-phase AC voltage controllers, three-phase voltage controllers.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering4.Fourth year
 Digital Electronics

Digital signal characteristics. Digital gates characteristics: voltage transfer curve, fan-in/fan-out, and static/dynamic power dissipation. Transistor models (Ebers-Moll model). Characteristics and analysis of BJT logic families: Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL), Diode Transistor Logic (DTL), Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL), Schottky TTL, and Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL). CMOS logic circuits analysis, design, and evaluation. Logic CMOS circuits types and dynamic logic. CMOS Tri-state gates. Programmable logic devices. Memory architecture analysis and evaluation: ROM, EEPROM, Static Random Access Memory (SRAM), and Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM). Waveform generating blocks: Astable and Monostable circuits. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) and Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC). Introduction to VLSI design flow and CMOS fabrication. Using computer-aided design software for digital electronics.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
Electrical Machines (II)

Synchronous motors: analysis, performance characteristics, application in power factor correction, and starting methods. Testing of synchronous machines. Three-phase induction motors: classification, analysis, performance characteristics, starting methods, testing, and speed control. Single-phase induction motors. Special types of motors: stepper motor, universal motor, reluctance motor, and brushless DC motor.

Electrical EngineeringBSc. Electrical Engineering3.Third year
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