School of Engineering :: The University of Jordan ::

Program Specifications

MSc. of Mechanical Engineering (Renewable Energy) / Program Details

Program Title:

MS.c. of Mechanical Engineering (Renewable Energy)

Program Code:


Level of Study:


Final Qualification:

MS.c. of Mechanical Engineering (Renewable Energy)


School of Engineering


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Other Department(s) involved in teaching the program:


Mode of Attendance)e.g., full time):

Full time

Duration of the Program:

4 academic semesters (2 years)

Credit hours/ contact hours:

33 Credit hours/ 33 contact hours

Language of Instruction:


Entrance Requirements:


1.The  plan conforms to the regulations of the general framework of the programs in graduate studies on the University of Jordan.

2. Aeas of specialty for admission to the M.Sc. program:​

Holders of the Bachelor's degree in:

- Mechanical Engineering.

-Chemical Engineering.

-Electrical Engineering.

-Architecture Engineering.

-Civil Engineering

-Industrial Engineering.

-Mechatronics Engineering.​

For more information follow the link:

Program regulations:

According to the University of Jordan regulations.

For more information at the following link:

Instructions of granting a Master Degree at the University of Jordan


No. of approval by the Ministry of Higher Education:


Date of approval by the Ministry of Higher Education:


Date of Production:


Date of Revision:


Program Director:

head of the department of Mechanical Engineering