School of Engineering :: The University of Jordan ::

Program Specifications

MSc. of Mechanical Engineering (Renewable Energy) / Program Overview

The Master of Science in Renewable Energy program, established in 2013, aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to meet the diverse demands of the local, regional, and global labor markets in renewable energy. The program spans over four academic semesters, totaling two years, with a curriculum consisting of 33 credit hours or contact hours.

Renewable Energy students will be able by the time they finished the program to develop novel engineering solutions to most recent regional/global energy issues using efficient and up-to-date technical methods, to identify and solve engineering problems in different sectors of renewable energy, acquire the skills needed for continued professional development, and demonstrate the ability to communicate technical information effectively and professionally.

Under the thesis track, students are required to complete 33 credit hours, including obligatory courses covering topics such as Research Methodology, Renewable Energy Systems, Energy efficiency, Energy Conversion, Energy Management, Economic aspects of renewable energy and energy efficiency (REEE), and elective course covering topics such as Modeling simulation and optimization, Market Communication, Strategies and Tools, Concentrated Solar Power, Wind Energy, Photovoltaic Energy, Solar Desalination, Environment and sustainable development, Bio-fuels, Low Carbon Buildings, Energy regulations, and Special Topics in Renewable Energy. The curriculum culminates in a thesis project where students apply their knowledge and skills to conduct research and present their outstanding findings.

Graduates have professional opportunities in various fields, including engineering consultancy in renewable energy technologies, designing renewable energy systems, and developing relevant technologies. They can also work in specialized private investment firms financing renewable energy projects, managing renewable energy projects, and engaging in engineering education at universities and technical colleges. These opportunities allow them diverse avenues to apply their knowledge and experience to provide solutions in renewable energy, addressing global challenges related to climate change and environmental sustainability.​

Video about MSc. of Mechanical Engineering (Renewable Energy)