School of Engineering :: The University of Jordan ::

Program Specifications

MSc. Computer Engineering and Networks / Program Details

Program Title:
M.Sc. Computer Engineering and Networks
Program Code:
Level of Study:
Final Qualification:
Master degree
School of engineering
Computer engineering
Other Department(s) involved in teaching the program:
Electrical Engineering
Mode of Attendance)e.g., full time):
Full Time
Duration of the Program:
2 Years
Credit hours/ contact hours:
Language of Instruction:
Entrance Requirements:
​- The First Priority: Bachelor's in Computer Engineering
 - The Second Priority: Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering
 - The Third Priority: Bachelor's in Networks Engineering
 - The Fourth Priority: Bachelor's in Communications Engineering
 - The Fifth Priority: Bachelor's in Electronics Engineering
 - The Sixth Priority: Bachelor's in Mechatronics Engineering
 - The Seventh Priority: Bachelor's in Electrical Power Engineering
 - The Eighth Priority: Bachelor's in Biomedical Engineering
 - The Ninth Priority: Bachelor's in Intelligent Systems Engineering
 - The Tenth Priority: Bachelor's in Networks Security and Engineering
 - Th​e Eleventh Priority: Bachelor's Degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer
Program regulations:
According to the university of Jordan regulations
No. of approval by the Ministry of Higher Education:
Date of approval by the Ministry of Higher Education:
Date of Production:
Date of Revision:
Program Director:

Dr. Samah Ziyad Rahamneh

0962 5355000 23000​