School News :: School of Engineering

School News

  • 02 - Jun
  • 2024

"University Of Jordan" wins two awards from the Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

University of Jordan News - The Student Branch and Computer Society at the University of Jordan won two prestigious awards from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) during the Jordan Branch's annual meeting, which was held at the Landmark Amman Hotel under the patronage of Minister of Culture Haifa Al-Najjar.


The University of Jordan branch won the IEEE Award for the Regional Model Student Branch at the level of the eighth region (Europe, Africa, and the Middle East), and the IEEE Award for Outstanding Computing Society at the world level.


The Dean of the School of Engineering, Dr. Menwer Attarakih, handed over the awards on behalf of the President of the University of Jordan, Dr. Nathir Obaidat, expressing his pride in this great achievement, and extending his thanks to the organizers and those in charge of this event, especially mentioning the head of the IEEE branch in Jordan, Dr. Musa Al-Akhras.


The meeting was attended by a large number of employers, academic leaders, engineers, IT professionals and students.​